Hydro Rates

Hydro Rate Change


Just a reminder. The new hydro rates come into effect January 1, 2023. Although the decision is long and complicated. This is a summery from the FOCA. In which HLSMR is a member.

“In summary: The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) approves Hydro One’s proposed 10-year phase in of this change beginning January 1, 2023. This approach is intended to limit the total bill increase for affected seasonal customers, including those with low average monthly consumption, to 10% (maximum) per year.

In its decision the OEB clarified once again that, though separate from this rate decision, eligibility for rebates through the Rural and Remote Electricity Rate Protection (RRRP) and Distribution Rate Protection (DRP) continues to apply only to Hydro One’s rural year-round residential customers (i.e., Low Density – R2 class). A year-round residential customer requires eight months of continuous occupation of a dwelling over the year.”

HLSMR reminds everyone that if they believe they qualify for year-round residential status that should submit a completed declaration form and supporting material to Hydro One.

PDF of OEB decision: here

Harris Lake Dam

Here is an update regarding the Harris Lake Dam Construction activities on the Harris Lake Dams have commenced and should conclude around November 7th.  


Part of the construction will include closing the snowmobile trail to motor and pedestrian traffic while work is occurring on the plug dam that the trail travels over. This closure will be temporary while the plug dam area is an active construction site.  


Impacts to water levels as a result of construction are not anticipated. Lower than normal water levels are expected should the dry weather continue as higher water levels may occur if we begin to receive significant rainfall like last summer.


The contractor will be utilizing the public boat launch on Crown land but the launch will remain accessible to the public for the duration of the project.

 Resource Management Coordinator,  Parry Sound District, Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

Harris Lake Dam

Here is an update regarding the Harris lake Dam. Construction activities on the Harris Lake Dams have commenced and should conclude around November 7th.  


Part of the construction will include closing the snowmobile trail to motor and pedestrian traffic while work is occurring on the plug dam that the trail travels over. This closure will be temporary while the plug dam area is an active construction site.  


Impacts to water levels as a result of construction are not anticipated. Lower than normal water levels are expected should the dry weather continue as higher water levels may occur if we begin to receive significant rainfall like last summer.


The contractor will be utilizing the public boat launch on Crown land but the launch will remain accessible to the public for the duration of the project.

Resource Management Coordinator 

Parry Sound District

Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

HLSMR Annual meeting

With covid receding, there will be an in person Cottagers association annual meeting. It will be held on July 31, at 10:30 am. Following the roads board meeting at 10am. It will be held in the marina shop. Generously provide by Walter and Renata & sons. Thank you so much.

There are some position on the executive that will be available. Some long time contributors will be stepping down. These positions will be up for nominations at the meeting. Its your opportunity to help represent the lake for all the things the HLSMR assoc provides. Positions available, ENVIROMNETAL officer, VICE PRESEDENT.

Some of the great things the association has done for you are:

  • represent the Lake members to governmental bodies

  • environmental monitoring

  • a group lake fire service. equipment, fire boat and pumps for cottagers to use in emegencys’s’

  • lot emergency numbers

  • aids to navigation

  • septic pumping liaisons to the pumping company

We hope to see a good turn out. We are looking for new ideas how we can improve what we do for you.

Brian Mclellan for the HLSM Cottagers’’’’ association

Canada Geese

A point was brought up at last years meeting regarding the seemingly growing population of Canadian Geese that have started to appear on the lake and river area.  The HLSMR environmental team has been in touch with parks and conservation areas in Ontario along with Environment Canada on steps we can take to minimize an exploding population on our lake and river.  Environment Canada has provided a Handbook entitled Canada and Cackling Geese: Management and Population Control in Southern Canada.  It is available at a link below for review and we have highlighted a few key areas below as a summary as they relate to deterrents and controls.

Seasonal Deterrents to prevent the population growth in a particular area

  • Reduce attractiveness of feeding habitats
  • Prevent nesting
  • Prevent Hatching
  • Scare Pre-moulting geese away
  • Erect barriers
  • Lure Geese Elsewhere

Goose Control Prescriptions - Non Lethal

  • Ensure No One is feeding the geese
  • Erect Landscape Barriers on property
  • Modify Grass to grasses not liked by geese
  • Scaring Techniques - (some that require permit and some that do not)
  • Removal

Goose Control Prescriptions - Lethal

  • Hunting
  • Egg Sterilization or Destruction
  • Lethal Removal of Geese

There are a number of techniques mentioned throughout the document, and you can find the details about each section at the link provided.  The challenge on the lake environment is that Geese will tend to nest where there are no people, which is precisely why many of us have places on the same waterway.  If you do find geese nesting on or near your property  there are a number of techniques that can be used to relocate them to a different area, hopefully another lake, that are safe and easy to apply by most.  Some of the prescriptions above do require outside assistance such as Environment Canada or Minisitry of Natural Resources.

Canada and Cackling Geese: Management and Population Control in Southern Canada